
Normative data and correlation between dynamic knee valgus and neuromuscular response among healthy active males: a cross-sectional study
Authors: Luis Llurda-Almuzara 1, Albert Pérez-Bellmunt 1, Carlos López-de-Celis 1, Ramón Aiguadé 3, Roberto Seijas 2, Oriol Casasayas-Cos 1, Noe Labata-Lezaun 1 & Pedro Alvarez 1, 2.
- C/Josep Trueta s/n, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital Quirónsalud, Barcelona, Spain
- Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Journal: Nature - Scientific Reports - December 2020, Volume 10, Article no. 17206 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-74177-8)
Field & Applications:
- Sport
- Neuromuscular response
- Normatives
- Injury prevention
The dynamic knee valgus (DKV) during different sport maneuvers has been widely described as risk factor to develop an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Hip and knee muscles seem to have a crucial role to prevent the dynamic knee valgus. This study aimed to give normative and correlational data about DKV and hip and knee neuromuscular response (NMR) among healthy active males.
The hypothesis is that DKV could be correlated with hip NMR. A cross-sectional correlational study. Research Anatomy Laboratory. The study was carried out among 50 active, non-injured males. Dynamic Knee-Valgus angle and lower limb posterior chain muscles Neuromuscular Response. DKV was measured using Kinovea software during a Single-Legged Drop Jump test and NMR was measured using tensiomyography and myotonometry for gluteus maximum, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, lateral and medial gastrocnemius. Right and left limbs were both performed and analyzed independently.
No significant correlation was observed between DKV and hip and knee muscles NMR. This study shows normative and correlational data about dynamic knee valgus, tensiomyography and myotonometry for healthy and active males. The DKV control seems to be non-correlated with isolated hip and knee muscles NMR so this suggests it is more about Central Nervous System activity than about isolated muscles NMR.
This study shows normative data about dynamic knee valgus, tensiomyography and myotonometry for healthy and active population.
Moreover, this study found no correlation between DKV and NMR and this could be explained because of the influence of Central Nervous System. To control dynamic knee valgus during sport maneuvers such as single leg jumps is crucial in order to prevent sport-related injuries as anterior cruciate ligament. This study suggests that Central Nervous System activity is more important than isolated hip and knee muscles response in order to control this condition. So, anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention exercises should focus on motor control and CNS activity more than improving muscle strength and/or muscle tone.