
The effect of hamstrings foam rolling on tissue mechanical properties as measured by MyotonPRO in healthy men – a randomized controlled trial
Authors: Przemyslaw Debski, Ewelina Bialas, Rafal Gnat
Affiliations: Laboratory of Motion Analysis, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, 40-065 Katowice, Poland
Journal: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies - December 2024, Volume 42, Pages 387-396 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.12.041)
Field & Applications:
- Sport
- Treatment evaluation
- Warm-up / Recovery
Introduction: Foam Rolling (FR) is one of the most popular self-administered therapeutic method, however, its actual impact on mechanical properties of myofascial tissue remains unclear. Moreover, there is an ongoing debate concerning the critical physiological mechanisms activated in therapies using the mechanical pressure and the optimal selection of pressure parameters. This study aimed to determine the effect of FR on mechanical properties (elasticity, stiffness etc.) of myofascial tissues of posterior thigh, compare them with interventions containing certain elements of FR without mechanical pressure on the tissue, and try to determine the main causative factor for FR effects.
Method: Ninety-six active, healthy men (age 18-35) were randomly assigned to one of six groups within the randomized controlled trial design. The interventions (independent factor: intervention) were: Foam Rolling (ROL), FR-like-movement without roller (MOV), sitting straight – control (SIT). All interventions were applied for 30 or 120 s (independent factor: time). The primary outcomes were biomechanical parameters measured with the MyotonPRO device in six groups distinguished by the experimental factors. Measurements were taken at the baseline and after the interventions (repeated measures factor). Mixed model of ANOVA was applied to test for statistical differences.
Results: No significant differences were revealed for the two independent factors, the repeated measures factor as well as their all interactions.
Conclusions: As far as the effect exerted on mechanical properties of the myofascial tissue is concerned, FR intervention could not be regarded superior to other interventions (FR-like-movement without a roller) or control condition (sitting straight).
Keywords: foam rolling, stiffness, mechanical properties, MyotonPRO
- FR intervention is not superior to other interventions (moving without roller or sitting straight), as far as concerns effect on mechanical properties of soft tissue locally (at the point of application) or globally (away from the point of application).
- No dose-response relationship was observed with FR use in the hamstring muscle group.
- Professionals recommending the use of FRs should take into account that the observed changes may have a cause other than the mechanical impact of the tool itself on myofascial tissue.